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Miðeind receives a large R&D grant for Svarkur


Miðeind is among the recipients of grants from the Technology Development Fund this year. Our project, Svarkur, was one of 18 projects, amongst 80 submitted applications, that received funding from the growth fund named Vextir. The grant enables Miðeind to put even more effort into our promising solution, Svarkur, a tool for question answering based on Miðeind's custom-built parsing model.

The grant is great news for Icelandic language technology and artificial intelligence. The Technology Development Fund (Tækniþróunarsjóður) supports research and development projects aimed at innovation in the Icelandic business sector, with the Vextir funding category intended for development projects that are in the initial stages of an idea.

If you are curious about our grant winning solutions Svarkur, you can watch an introduction video here.

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